
Monday, April 6, 2015

Burned Out

I am feeling really burned out and it's only Monday. Balancing academics, future endeavor, sports, hospital work, a social life and sanity can be really tiring. It's most likely because school is over in less than 8 weeks and I'm really excited for freedom. Plus, my online dual enrollment class is ending which means I'll have just 7 classes to worry about rather than 8. Although, it may seem like I'm complaining, I actually  love being busy. I thrive on a packed schedule full of various self-appointed obligations. I usually do well with said schedules as long outside stress is not inflicted upon me and I don't inflict mental anxiety upon myself. No worries, I have a game plan. First, go to sleep early tonight. Despite the fact that I may have homework, it's unnecessary for me to strain myself by sleepily trying to retain difficult information. I know it would be smarter for me to go to sleep and try again tomorrow. The second step is for me to avoid stress.  I do live a very hectic life which can become stressful so the goal is to stay away from things or people that can cause me anxiety. The only case that I am willing to keep that is sort of stressing me out is the mental chess game I am playing with my BPA adviser. I'm still battling the BPA adviser, but I will stay strong because I can't let him stop me from achieving my goals and reaching my full potential. I won't let him take away opportunities from me without putting up a fight.  And with that being said, my third step is to relieve the pressure that I put on myself. The pressures of being a professional, top of the class student. The pressures of being an intelligent, nice teenager who declines offers to part take in potentially illegal activity. Simply the pressure of being the best. In this day of being burned out, I realize that I don't have to be the best (compared to others) all the time in everything. I just have to be the best version of me.

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