
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Next Steps for 2018

Hi everyone! 
I hoped you've had a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. I'm grateful to say that I truly have enjoyed this winter break and all of the festivities. This month has been absolutely crazy; I've never been so busy. At the start of the month, I was preparing for finals and starting a new job while playing in the Powderpuff championships and maintaining my other two jobs. Although, extremely busy (and sometimes stressful), my first semester has been nothing less than eventful and noteworthy. I've learned so much about myself—my strengths and my shortcomings—and I've grown to appreciate myself more and fully understand how I should be treated. Looking back at past behaviors and relationships make me laugh sometimes because every time I think back, I ask myself,

What were you going through? Where is your self-love?

After completing a full semester of classes, clubs, coaches, sports, tests, quizzes, multiple jobs, and a romantic interest, I am completely exhausted. Yes, I did arrange the semester and choose to be super involved because I wanted to be busy and have the complete college experience. However, despite my appreciation for all the smiles and warm memories of late night snacks with my study buddies and spending time with my friends, going forth I have a different idea of how I want to live and what I want to focus on. Instead of dividing my attention between exploring the new city, making friends, and all the obligations previously listed, I'm going to bring it back to square one and just focus on myself. I'm going to focus on my mental health, taking care of my body, and pay attention of my feelings.  More than anything, I want to focus on loving myself.

Next semester is about constantly doing acts of self-love. I’m ready to get back to working hard and trying to earn a little money in the meantime, but more than anything I’m excited to spend time with my friends, explore more of the city, and build new relationships.