
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Unintentionally Low Key Racist


Today was very interesting. In my 7th period, an outspoken friend of mine was sitting by himself. Another student referred to him as red due to his consistent blushing. He counters her with whispering "well you are black, so you have no rights". Naturally I am immediately offended; I begin to verbally assault him with my words. It is in my nature to defend anything that connects with me.

However, after having my complaints drowned out by the  insults and scolding remarks of other students, I took a moment to observe everyone. No one would have noticed what he had said had the student he said that to not have involved the entire class. This entire screaming match would not be disturbing my thoughts had he had used what we [the class] assumed to be common sense.

Just when we thought everyone was tired of yelling, an outside student gets in his face. She starts slamming her palms on the desks to emphasize her points and I watch how he slowly recedes back into his chair, more red than ever. His explanation for his comment was that the class prefers him when he makes rude comments and he assumed we would know he was making a joke.

After everyone left, my teacher informed me that my friend had recently lost his mom. I instantly transformed from the being consumed by "nature" (the anger) to the being consumed with "nurturing". I instantly felt his hidden pains because the tough front he wears had been shattered like glass. That explained his seemingly obsession with making outrageous comments;he wanted the attention, the piece of him that was missing, from his classmates.

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