
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Host Family: Day 1

My host family consists of a mother, a father, and two teenage siblings. They sat in the first row waiting to pick me up right on time. My family is that of an upper middle class. My baba drove us home in a new Lexus. My 17 year old sister is very shy and has the highest vocabulary of English. I do most of the talking on the car ride and utilize some new vocabulary 车水马龙 to the describe the traffic. When we arrive home, we arrive at a complex of tall buildings and walk straight to the back. At this point, I expect my family to have a small apartment and I'm excited to see the interior design. The door opens and the floor plan is suprisingly spacious-consists of an upstairs, a downstairs, and an office space. They have cleared a bedroom and a full bathroom for me. We go visit grandma and grandpa at the nursing home and then we go to a fancy restaurant. We sit at a round table with a spinning glass table atop and everyone shares all the food we ordered. It was just sooo much food. Then I went home, unpacked my bag, and went to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, nice! sounds like they went out of their way to make you feel like you are welcome! and what a better way to celebrate your arrival than food? haha!
