I was having an excellent day. My hug quota was filled, I completed an interactive lab, and I was wearing my awesome Los Angeles, California sweatshirt. I'm in the middle of a test and I feel something hard hit me in my ribs. I look to see an obnoxious baseball player and some of his groupies trying to suppress their laughter. He immediately says "Oh, it flew out of my hand" and laughs some more. I'm thinking,
Sure it did. Something can accidentally fly 5 feet in my direction. Speechless, my face starts to burn. I assume this must be because I am embarrassed. I hear the white noise of one of his groupies try to defend his immature actions, but I can't focus on anything she is saying because I can feel my blood pressure and body temperature rising. It continues to escalate as I think of how compassionate I've been the whole year allowing this junior to act like an immature buffoon. It's suddenly getting higher and hotter as I realize that this guy is a thief who has stolen my education time by being so distracting with his inconsiderate behavior (not just today, every single day). I feel the pressure fill the room like helium fills a balloon. Ready to pop at any moment. I'm in a pot of water that's boiling on the fire. This boy has foolishly lit a fire in a field of straw and little does he know, I am ready to light him up. That causes me to realize that this burning in my face wasn't embarrassment, this was the burning of my red hot furry. I don't know what I want to say so I just blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind when think of a guy like him. I yell out "Are you being racist?!" The confusion in his face defused the bomb that almost killed him. I almost feel bad about my comment until he starts getting mad and trying to discretely talk about me. I don't really care about the talking about me because I personally get nervous when people aren't talking about me,but for some reason when this boy does it, it just makes me angrier. I am not a violent person so I removed myself from the space and sat in a different seat. I took one breath and I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. I felt so tired from the anger, while still being angry. My anger started to express itself in the form of acidic tears. I stand up and walk to get tissues from my teacher's desk. I can tell she thinks I am upset about the test, however the minute I look up and align my watery eyes with hers, I feel her heart sink into her stomach. I know that she knows that something happened to upset me and her eyes tell me that she wishes she could help, but knows that there's no way she could help me in the way that I require. I tell her why I'm upset, but don't ask her to do anything about it;why ask for something that I know she doesn't have.
Had I expressed my feeling of irritation with this person earlier in the year, I wouldn't have to had all this suppressed anger for him to uncap. The thing is I don't want this kid to be punished for immaturity. I want him to understand that his behavior is inappropriate and that I shouldn't have to tolerate it. However, just like everything in my life, there is a brightside. At least, I have another story to add to the book of my life.
Starting anger |
Increased anger |
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