As you all know, this year has been very taxing on me. Senior year is very stressful and crazy and full of fun. I've learned so much and grown as a person. As this chapter of my life draws to a close, I'm reflective and proud of myself. Let's start the countdown.
The Countdown:
9 college applications to: Hofstra University, New York University, Fordham University, Rice University, Tulane University,Pomona College, Stanford University, Tufts University, and UChicago.
8 classes: COMPLETED 7 months of waiting for college responses: Finally over :)
6 acceptances: Hofstra University, NYU,Fordham University, Rice University,Pomona College, and Tufts University (waitlisted by UChicago).
5 fly ins: Pomona College Fall Weekend,Tufts University Diversity Weekend,Rice University Vision Program,Pomona College Spring Weekend, and Rice University Owl Days.
4 SAT/ACT attempts: not worth it. I could've stuck with my original scores lol.
3 full rides from: Rice University, Pomona College,and Tufts University
2 days left of "high school"3 full rides from: Rice University, Pomona College,and Tufts University
1 big decision
And I choose..........

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