I know I haven't posted in a while, but that is because life has been so busy. All this change --new city, new school, and so many new adventures--has been very time consuming. Since move-in day and post Harvey cleanup, school has been in full swing. When I'm not in class, I'm usually in a meeting, or doing homework, or going to a school sponsored event. I've already attended 4 career events, 3 school-wide social events, I have two jobs on campus and one special someone off-campus.
Friday, October 20, 2017
University: Midterm Update
I know I haven't posted in a while, but that is because life has been so busy. All this change --new city, new school, and so many new adventures--has been very time consuming. Since move-in day and post Harvey cleanup, school has been in full swing. When I'm not in class, I'm usually in a meeting, or doing homework, or going to a school sponsored event. I've already attended 4 career events, 3 school-wide social events, I have two jobs on campus and one special someone off-campus.
In my couple months living in this new city, I've met a really kindhearted guy. He's smart, he's a hard worker, and he's always making me smile. When we first started talking, I told him I wanted to get to see more of Houston. Not to say my school isn't amazing, my school is great, but I think it is important to go beyond the hedges. So on one of our first dates, he took me to see the skyline uninterrupted and pictured below. It was a wonderful night with a beautiful skyline and a great guy.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
First Week: Harvey and Other Things
My first week in college will go down in history. On my first day of classes, we had a solar eclipse and yes, I did take the time to go to the roof of my dorm and stare at it (with protective glasses). A few days later we receive some warnings regarding Hurricane Harvey and the damage it may cause. Classes get cancelled and everyone bunkers down. It rains for five days straight--day and night--without revealing even a hint of the sun. I suddenly had an influx of calls and texts asking if I was doing okay and if I was safe and/or if I had photographs of the flood. To be honest, up to that point I had the luxury of not even thinking about the flood; I was able to just regard it as heavy rain. But the more pictures and videos I saw of people's homes underwater or people trying to climb on top of their roofs to avoid drowning, the more my heart would hurt. It hurts so bad to know that no matter how much I wanted to help these flood victims, I couldn't
help them without putting myself in danger. My campus was flooded in a way that kept us in and kept everyone else out. So even if I did try to go help some people, I'd probably end up hurting myself in the process. So, I waited and waited and waited for the rain to stop. As soon as a ray of sun broke through the shades of my window, I ran outside. Just that a little bit of sun completely brightened my mood and made me realize that everything would eventually get back to normal; it would just take some time.
Even though it was dry enough to walk outside again, my heart was still heavy for those who'd lost something in the flood. I just felt like I really needed to do something to help. So, I did. Today I went with some other volunteers to help members of the community. We drove to a woman's house and on the way there, all you can see is the streets lined with mattresses, couches, bed frames, pillows, and ruined items of sentimental memorabilia.
We get to the woman's house and she asks a few of us to wrap up a few canvas photos she salvaged. Then, she asked me to go outside, take pictures of all her damaged clothes, and then throw them away. I went through every article of clothing and took pictures of every label. These clothes belonged to her, her husband, and a young boy (presumably her son). I sort through all of it and it is in a trash pile and right when I'm ready to throw everything away, I come across her wedding DVD. I stopped everything and just looked at the remains of it. It crumpled in my hand and it broke my heart.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Summer '17: O-Week
The college experience always comes with the very popular orientation process. My school takes orientation very seriously--so much so that they've turned the orientation process into a whole week of jam packed information sessions, outdoor activities, late night outings, and college traditions. The process itself is very energy consuming and can become tiresome, however, I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world.
As soon as I pulled up to campus, a flood of very enthusiastic people approached my car and immediately started removing my stuff and bringing it to my room. They were holding signs, already knew my name, and had a custom-made button for me. There was very little time to actually set up and decorate my room before going to have family lunch. I went to meet some other friends who I knew were going to Rice and hugged my mom goodbye before being fully engaged in college (our residential area) activities. There are seven extremely long gold sheets of paper hanging from the second floor with all the events the student coordinators planned for us. First, we officially meet up with our O-Week groups and play awkward ice breakers. As the week goes on we sign up for classes, attend a several talks regarding sex, alcohol, drug usage, diversity, and college life, we play games, and participate in different traditions.
I would like to thank all the advisers, co-advisers, RAs, H&D, and everyone who was involved in my RetrO-Week. It was an amazing experience and I appreciate every single minute you all put in to planning and executing it. Also, feel free to say you're welcome if you see me in person ^_^
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Summer '17: New Orleans
Even though I'm in the process of moving and am a few days away from starting school, I'm still a teenager and I like to have fun. I think it's important to make the best of these last few rays of summer sun, so I stopped in New Orleans!
New Orleans is a lot of fun with lively people and a bursting energy. It looks like an old fashion French town dressed up in Caribbean colors. There's this appreciation for individuality and creativity that I haven't seen anywhere else. There are lots of mom-and-pop shops with little to no mainstream fast food places. There are small stores that sell custom made masks and bustiers. There are legendary restaurants with delicious creole food and specialized treats. Even the living spaces are built upward in layers with different tropical plants on each floor. Everything is a piece of art and everyone here has some sort of talent. The smooth, mystical, hypnotizing vibe of New Orleans is really something one can only truely understand through personal experience.
Sometimes the beauty of New Orleans can be so captivating, it can make all other things disappear. I had been walking up and down Bourbon Street for a long time constantly looking up at the European architecture. When I looked down, I was finally able to see the line of homeless people and their various scattered items all over the sidewalk. I could finally hear them calling out to other hypnotized tourists for help; I could finally see them creating little scams to trick visitors into giving them money. It was saddening and added one more thing to the list of things I had never seen before. Although homelessness to this extent is disheartening, I still have pride in the street performers, street merchants, and -- yes -- even the scammers of New Orleans. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing or stealing things, they work their hardest to earn cash through tips. That is so admirable and displays honor and mental strength. Even those struggling in New Orleans add to its Creole charm.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Summer '17: Moving Out
Hi everyone!
As most of you know, I'm moving to out of state university and today is the official day of the move. It's such a bittersweet moment. I feel sad because I know I won't see my friends and family for a long time. It kinda breaks my heart. I also feel happy because I know I'm going into a new chapter of my life where I will be literally unstoppable;it's the portion of my life when I fear nothing, can achieve anything, and will have everything. It's just so bittersweet.
As most of you know, I'm moving to out of state university and today is the official day of the move. It's such a bittersweet moment. I feel sad because I know I won't see my friends and family for a long time. It kinda breaks my heart. I also feel happy because I know I'm going into a new chapter of my life where I will be literally unstoppable;it's the portion of my life when I fear nothing, can achieve anything, and will have everything. It's just so bittersweet.
To my friends and family,
Thank you for supporting me in all my dreams and endeavors! I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. I love you all sooo much and I can't wait to come back and see you during break <3
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Summer '17: Georgia (Still on My Mind)
I recently returned from a trip to Columbus, Georgia and it
was something unlike anything that I've ever experienced before. The entire trip
is what some might refer to as unusual, but let's be honest – I'm not your
typical girl.
The Motivation
Why go to Georgia? I went to Georgia to watch my future
roommate graduate from high school. This is an interesting situation because we
just met in February at Rice University and then again in April (totaling 5
days of being in the same place together), yet here I am a couple months later
spending time with her and her family in their house.
Getting to Know Columbus
Now, I have a whole other family that lives in Georgia and I
have a new found appreciation for small town living. This trip also reminded me
to continue to fearlessly follow my heart. As
for my future roommate, we were simply meant to be the best of friends.
"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to
-Winnie the Pooh
Day 1 |
Friendship Time: 2 Months |
Friends for 3 months (going on 4) |
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Summer '17: Senior Awards Night
Hi everyone!
Tonight was Senior Awards Night at my school and I'm proud to announce that I have won in the Broward County Literary Fair, been deemed the 2017 English Scholar by the English Department, and I've been awarded the Silver Knights scholarship for excellence in English and Literature. I was also awarded the National Honor Society Stole, the Silver Cord (for 250+ hours of community service), the Golden Cord (for GPA 3.75 or higher), and the Blue Cord (for graduating with an Associates of Arts degree). I was so honored to be recognized for all my scholastic achievement and community outreach. It felt so great to sit with my friends in the front row and cheer for them when their names were called. I felt so loved when various support sections of the auditorium would applaud and shout when my name was called. It was such an overwhelming energy of love and support.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Summer '17: Graduation
The graduation process
itself was long and draining (between the standing in lines, signing
agreements, and trying to locate my support section), but it was so much fun. The hustle and bustle
of everyone combined with this energy of school pride and achievement was
addictive. The best moment was when I was walking up the stairs of the stage
and I could look out into the arena and see all the people who came out to
support my peers and me. There was so much love in the room and the happiness
was infectious. I've never smiled as much as I did when I received by degree.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The Countdown
Hi everyone!
As you all know, this year has been very taxing on me. Senior year is very stressful and crazy and full of fun. I've learned so much and grown as a person. As this chapter of my life draws to a close, I'm reflective and proud of myself. Let's start the countdown.
7 months of waiting for college responses: Finally over :)
And I choose..........
As you all know, this year has been very taxing on me. Senior year is very stressful and crazy and full of fun. I've learned so much and grown as a person. As this chapter of my life draws to a close, I'm reflective and proud of myself. Let's start the countdown.
The Countdown:
9 college applications to: Hofstra University, New York University, Fordham University, Rice University, Tulane University,Pomona College, Stanford University, Tufts University, and UChicago.
8 classes: COMPLETED 7 months of waiting for college responses: Finally over :)
6 acceptances: Hofstra University, NYU,Fordham University, Rice University,Pomona College, and Tufts University (waitlisted by UChicago).
5 fly ins: Pomona College Fall Weekend,Tufts University Diversity Weekend,Rice University Vision Program,Pomona College Spring Weekend, and Rice University Owl Days.
4 SAT/ACT attempts: not worth it. I could've stuck with my original scores lol.
3 full rides from: Rice University, Pomona College,and Tufts University
2 days left of "high school"3 full rides from: Rice University, Pomona College,and Tufts University
1 big decision
And I choose..........

Monday, April 24, 2017
πππProm 2017 πππ
Last night, April 22, 2017, was my prom and it was amazing. The night started off getting ready with my mom and my friend, Chandler. We went to different aesthetic locations and took pictures. I felt so glamorous wearing this long royal blue gown and having people walk around with me and take my photo. It was like an impromptu photoshoot and I'm so glad I got to share it with my friends and family.
It was fun to get all dressed up and see my friends from school doing the same thing. It was like all these people that I see on a daily basis suddenly became royalty and I felt so fortunate to be a part of it. The first part of the night was set aside for dinner. Then, we danced and danced and danced some more. While everyone's dancing, the music suddenly goes out and its time to announce the winners o
P.S. Camy's Corner has broken 9,000 views from viewers from 60+ countries around the world!!! Thank you so much for your support. It really added to the magic of this weekend.
Thank you for making this such an eventful senior year <3 |
Friday, April 14, 2017
Rice University: Owl Days π¦
Owl Days S'mores <3 |
Hi everyone!
I have just attended Rice University's Owl Days and it was absolutely amazing! I made so many new friends and met so many genuine people. I felt right at home amongst all these beautiful minds. The campus entrance looks like the fortress of a castle. The administrative offices and the classes are in said "fortress" and there are friendly staff and students all around. There is this humongous quad lined with trees; its so beautiful, I've seen couples take their wedding photos in it. The residential college system is really unique and encourages bonding. The eateries are delicious and vegetarian friendly (for those days I select to be vegetarian lol). I just love this school.
Bubbletea!!! |
Monday, April 10, 2017
Pomona Part 2: Santa Monica
I drop off my stuff with my host and then go to the faculty-student student BBQ dinner. It was so great meeting other like-minded people. And the best part about that is everyone is so down to earth. There was just this environment where I could be myself and I was able to connect to people from all over the world so quickly.
Santa Monica is beautiful. The people are beautiful; the beaches are beautiful;the mountains are beautiful. It's so diverse and a lively. There are so many street performers that have raw talent and are just trying to make it. And the food was absolutely amazing! It's a ball of creative energy and endless determination and I felt so fortunate to be there.
Throughout this weekend at Pomona I've realized a lot of things. First off, Pomona is an amazing school with so many resources and the people that attend the school I guess is amazing as those who run it. They truly stick to their motto of helping the student; the student is always priority. I also learned that I have to follow my heart. And to be confident in everything I do. Others may have comments and opinions, but this is the life that I will live and these are the choices that I will to live with. These are the most amazing people I've ever met and I know in the future we will still be friends. I can't wait to come back. I have to thank Pomona for introducing me Santa Monica and for showing me new parts of myself.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Grad Bash
Thursday, March 30, 2017
His Pick-Up Line: Give Me Your Number Before I Don't Want it Anymore

It is at this point I decide to put him in check. I say, "Oh no, you've got it all wrong. When you approach a girl, you're supposed to say 'hi my name is', not 'give me your number before I don't want it anymore'. So let's try it again. How about you show me your eyes." He removes his shades to reveal kind eyes. He's obviously not dangerous or crazy. I continue with "What's your name? How old are you? What are your classes? Do you ACTUALLY attend this school? What's your major?"
He answers all my questions and even pulls up his schedule online to prove he's a student. We have a whole discussion on wearing shades inside and why it is (or isn't) appropriate. I told him that when he approached me like that he came off as a butthole so he should use a different strategy next time. We discussed China versus Japan, the leaders in the Rap/HipHop industry, and why I can't understand anime (and trust me, I genuinely tried). All in all, he wasn't a terrible guy. He wasn't even cocky or conceited. He was just a nice Nigerian guy who wants to be a nurse approaching a smart girl with a fake personality that she knew he didn't really have.
Real knows real. It's much better to be genuine and be yourself than to try to make friends pretending to be another person. And if you're not being real with me, just like I did with this guy, I will call you out on it. Moral of the story: stay true yourself. That, or come up with a better pickup line.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
How I Met Ted Koppel
I was going to National Government class and it was raining really hard outside. I wrapped up all my notebooks in a plastic bag and ran to my class. In the lobby of the building where my class is, I wipe the rain off my face and I here someone say "Hey!" It was my International Relations professor and he invites me to an event with a news anchor as the main speaker. Unfortunately, the event was going on at the same time as my National Government class. I decided to go to class and was fortunate enough to be released early. I started to exit down a staircase that would force me to go around the building for re-entrance and I paused for a second. I verbally asked myself " Do I want tot go to the library or the event? The event? Ya, let's go to the thing". I make my way downstairs and slide into the lecture hall into a seat next to a very elderly man. I plug in my iPod and look up to see Ted Koppel sitting in the front of the room engaging in a room discussion led by my International Relations professor. He discussed the media and how its changed since he first started. When the event was over, he was talking to my professor and some others who were trying to push everyone out the room. I quickly walked up to him and asked to take a picture with him. He was very nice and a stranger to take our photo. A woman trying to push everyone out the room became annoyed with me and made a blanket statement that "we don't have time for individual pictures", but I don't care. I got to meet a man that has been reliably reporting historical moments for the majority of his life. A history reporter meets a history maker-- that's a priceless memory that I'll never forget.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Rice University Vision Program
My welcome gift :) |
I love visiting these universities just to get the feel for the general environment and the people and the flow of life in their respective areas. Meeting all these amazing people really gives me hope for the future and restores my faith in my generation.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Coping with Rejection

Hi everyone!
This year has been full of scholarship and college applications; and whenever you take a risk, you risk rejection. I have been rejected from fly-in programs and scholarship committees; I've even been rejected by other people. It's hard and it can be very discouraging, but what I've found (especially this year) is that with every rejection, I earn another form of acceptance. Like I was recently rejected from the Elks Most Valuable Scholarship, but the next day I received an email telling me I was a Jack Kent Cooke Finalist. Rejection hurts, but it shouldn't stop you from achieving your dreams. La fois peur deplacers de montagnes. Faith can move mountains and nothing (not even rejection) can change that. Thursday, January 12, 2017
Acceptances and a Formal Adress
Hi everyone!
I just returned to school after a month long break to a new list of goals for the week. 1) Write a short story to enter in the Literary Fair within 36 hours. 2) Write, memorize, and recite a speech in front of a hall filled to the rafters with perspective students and eager parents. 3) Meet all my new proffessors and get started on the work that I need to do to earn straight As this final semester. Surprisingly, I actually managed to accomplish all these tasks and I did them all well.
I just returned to school after a month long break to a new list of goals for the week. 1) Write a short story to enter in the Literary Fair within 36 hours. 2) Write, memorize, and recite a speech in front of a hall filled to the rafters with perspective students and eager parents. 3) Meet all my new proffessors and get started on the work that I need to do to earn straight As this final semester. Surprisingly, I actually managed to accomplish all these tasks and I did them all well.
Tonight was the night I spoke in front of a two story auditorium overflowing with people and the rush of being able to articulate what I actually believed in front of all those eyes after a long day at school is just so exhilarating. I'm so proud of myself for my performance! It was just so professional and genuine. The best part is a Chinese girl came up to me afterwards and we had a full blown conversation in Chinese about my school and how I know Chinese and about how college works; I'm super proud of my multilingual skills right now. I'm also really proud that I received my first college acceptance from Hofstra University following my speech. What a great start to the new year!
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