Hi everyone!
I am going through a very interesting interview process with the Posse Foundation. I expected to go in and review my resumè with a volunteer. Nope. I put a number on and go into a room with 75 other scholarship hopefuls. Everyone is mingling and I'm interested to see how the foundation leads the process. They have us all work in groups with and do interesting motions like walking in a certain way. The only hint they give us is that they wanted to see leadership.

What does that mean? Is that code for try to stand out in a room of 75 other amazing kids?
I really question what they meant by show leadership because there a different kinds of leadership. Most times, people assume that the leader is the loudest one telling everyone what to do. If the group is that of more quiet individuals, it may indeed seem that way, but I disagree. In the event that its a group of loud people, nothing would get done because everyone is trying to tell everyone else what to do. I believe that some of the most powerful leaders understand that listening is can be a better strategy than giving blind instructions. Additionally, I think that a good leader should want to help grow other leaders so letting others lead sometimes is a better sign of a quality leader.
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