Day 9:
Our very fancy gingerbread homes. |
Christmas Eve Eve is one of my favorite holidays. Every Christmas Eve Eve , I get together with one of my families and we all decorate gingerbread houses together. It is a small and easy activity that really promotes family bonding. This tradition has expanded to the point that everyone is invited. Family, friends, neighbors, kids-everyone comes over. It is really great to see people I don't get to see very often. We make fun of each others (lack of) decorating skills, we laugh together, and we give each other quality advice.
I am clearly very gifted in ugly sweater design. |
I highly suggest inputting a cool Christmas Eve Eve activity into your annual schedule. Use the activity to get closer to your *family.
*family: any person/people who love(s) you. Your squad (group of friends) is your family. Families are not always biological-sometimes its more fun that way :D

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