Day 5:
I went to the famous Santa's Enchanted Forest. I had only been one time previously, when I was around 8 years-old, and it was awesome. There were lights, trees, rides, and food everywhere. As a particularly chubby child, I was mainly interested in that last detail. Today, returning so many years later felt different. I would describe the experience as comparably subpar.
In the Christmas spirit of fairness, I must consider that I returned with some pretty high expectations. I expected it to be just as fun, just as amazing, and just as clean as when I first entered. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The park itself is beautiful and full of fun activities, however, it is also a black hole for money. Everything (as far as food is concerned) costs at least $5. All the walking makes one very tired, hungry, and thirsty. Regarding essential beverages such as water, it costs about $3 a bottle. Also, due to the popularity of the park within the surrounding areas, the park is heavily populated. People are fun, but also very messy at times. By the end of the night, there were trash trails of absentminded people who left a tissue here or forgot a box of donuts there.
The park felt less enchanting and more reality imposing. I left feeling exhausted and a little disappointed. Once again, the park was fun, but a little disappointing.
Look at all of those lights!! |