There's this one kid whose involved with one of my clubs. For the sake of the story we will call him Person X. So Person X is typically very annoying and tends to speak whatever comes to mind whatever it comes to mind. So throughout the year, I have maintained a distant and emotionally safe with Person X. I have even ignored all foolish and rude comments he's made this year and even about me. However, today was the last straw... on that camel's back... that broke that camel's back. He calls me and asks me to help him with an assignment that he will read in front various large audiences. I decide to help him. Then, he says to me," I'm sorry, but I'm going to jab you a little bit". I respond with "what does that mean?" He replies with "I'm going to say 'unlike this year's treasurer [me], I'm actually going to raise money'". I am befuddled and offended for multiple reasons. Person X has not been present for any fundraisers that I have spearheaded, nor has he approached me personally before blatantly insulting me. I simply tell him how rude that was and say "Goodnight Person X" before I hang up the phone.
I don't have to help anyone I don't want to help. I am a generous and genuine person who is typically willing to help. However, if I, in anyway, feel that. I am being abused or mistreated, I will not allow the abuser to take up any more of my time. Time is very valuable to me because I tend to stay busy, so for Person X to take up my time just so he can insult me is a clear sign of disrespect. I understand that a person won't know how appreciate something that is just given to them so he will no longer be given anymore of my time. Person X did attempt call and text me afterwards, but as I said, the abuser will not be allowed to take up any more of my time.
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