I apologize for my long hiatus. My suffer-more (sophomore) fall semester 2018 just so happened to be very difficult for me and this is the first part what happened.
The week before the semester started, I moved living spaces and started working for a potential new client. I work as a caregiver which encompasses tutoring, babysitting, child transportation, and nannying. This family wanted me to nanny for the week and continue nannying throughout the fall semester. I was so excited to start working with them. I loved their daughter and during the day we would go to the park and have lunch and just really enjoy the day. On the 3rd day of me working for them, I notice some unusual bites on my ankles and I look up to see their daughter--sitting on the couch-- plucking some sort of creature off of her skin. She says "Aw man, I got a flee." I am so confused I ask her to repeat herself. "A flee," she says, and then continues to support her point by letting me watch it jump off of her fingers into thin air. I am befuddled and upset that the parents did not immediately come out to alert me. When I bring up the bites and the fleas, these clients brush it off as if it is something normal. As you've already inferred, I had to quickly quit that job.
As a result, I became paranoid. My skin started to break out with bumps all over and they remained for weeks to follow. I was terrified that I'd have to shave my head and burn all my clothes. I had just moved into my new place! What if I brought fleas in? I felt extremely overwhelmed and stressed.
Fortunately I got another job and I started working about 29-45 hours a week, going to school every single day, leaving exactly 0 minutes for myself. I found out later that this was a very poor decision.
I had an after school job, an evening job, a night job, a late night job and once a month a morning job. 5 jobs! 5 jobs, 16 credit hours, and only me to do it.
P.S. There's a part 2 to my money problems suffermore year so look out for that. I will be uploading more this semester. I promise ^_^