Hi everyone!
I am very excited to announce that Camy's Corner has broke 4,000 views!!! That's soooooo amazing!!! That's 500 views in just over a month. Thank you so much for all the support. Thank you you for supporting a platform that allowed me to express (and sometimes laugh) at myself. That's 4,000 views distributed among 41 countries. Thank you to my long time international viewers in United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Japan, India, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Barbados, Brazil, France, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Venezuela, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Malaysia, Israel, Hong Kong, Argentina, Indonesia, South Korea, Chile, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, and Tunisia. I am also very appreciative to my newer viewers in China, Austria, Cape Verdes, Kyrgyzstan, and Kuwait. The overwhelming love and support is amazing and definitely appreciated. As always, please continue to read, share, and comment on my posts. I can't wait to see what we experience together in the future<33Translate
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
So You Wanna Know More About My Ode to Subway Guy
Hi everyone!
Recently, I released a post called "Rough Day: They Threw Rocks at Me" and I mentioned some unfortunate events that involved an individual whom we will all refer to as Subway Guy. A viewer has requested to see the ode, and because I am unashamed (or straight up crazy) and/or have a mild affinity for mortification, I will release it to the world. Before you read it, I would like to acknowledge the fact that this is one of eleven literary pieces I've written this year, however, this piece just so happen to be selected to compete in districts. Once again, if you read the last post, you know it didn't place. Okay, I'm done stalling. Without further ado, here's my Ode to Subway Guy.
The flirt
Standing among the array of vegetables
Calling every pretty girl
And every beautiful girl
And doesn't call me anything
He doesn't have to
His eyes say it all when I catch him sneaking a peek
Of me in my leggings and messy hair in a bun
"You look nice"
He'll say as he walks around the counter to give me a hug
"I like this hug"
He'll say to make me laugh
Which I will
His boss will call him away
And he'll ask a female coworker to make my sandwich
She will then delegate the task on to the other subway guy
My subway guy will return
To see me allowing another subway guy to make my sandwich
(Like any fast food boyfriend)
He jumps in front of his female coworker to serve the customer behind
"So what would you like on your sandwich?"
Say both subway guys simultaneously
I giggle a little
My subway guy asks his coworker
"Are you making her sandwich?"
The other subway guy nods
"I'm jealous" confesses my subway guy
"I wish I were making that sandwich"
He says
I laugh as I take my wrapped sandwich
My subway guy has more to say
"How are you gonna let him make your sandwich like that?"
"You were gone" I reply
"And you think that's okay? To let other guys make your sandwich
while I'm gone"
Eyebrows high and open mouth forming into blushing smile
The consumer behind me interjects "You guys can have this
conversation after he's done
making my sandwich"
making my sandwich"
I look away blushing
Blood rushing
My hearts so loud I can hear it in my ears
I don't want to like him
But a part of me loves him
Our relationship is a rash
Which I needn't scratch
But should vigorously rub
It's one of those things
I'll never truly get rid of
Our relationship is stuck
In purgatory
In purgatory
Full of potential
Yet far from glory
Subway guy
Cookie girl
There's a sweetness
To our familiar ambiguity
Let’s raise a BOGO coupon
To sandwich artists old and new
I swear, I would give up all the toppings in the world
For Subway Guy to let me be his Cookie Girl
......so yeah. Take that as you will lol.
As always, please continue to read, share, and comment on my posts!
~Camille <3
As always, please continue to read, share, and comment on my posts!
~Camille <3
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Rough Day: They Threw Rocks at Me
Hi everyone!
Today I had a pretty rough day and yes, some kids did throw rocks at me.
However, its only polite to start a story at the very beginning. So
here's what happened:
I went for my morning run to the bus stop and on the way, I see two
unattended dogs on both sides of the street. On my sidewalk, there is a rather
husky dog and on the other side, there is an irritable Chihuahua. I have been
attacked by dogs before and I know from past experiences that it’s easier to
outrun the tiny dog, HOWEVER, one should never run first. If you run first, it
excites the dogs which is why they start to follow suit. So I risk it with the Chihuahua
and make it to my stop in 6 minutes. I ride the bus to school and find out I
didn't place in Literary Fair. I also find out that two people were
allowed to
take the SATs way after I arrived the other day. As the day drags on, I get a
text from a friend saying "Your boyfriend is looking for you". I am
confused for two reasons: 1) I don't have a boyfriend and 2) the individual to
whom my friend is referring is more likely to text me than do a manhunt type
search. A few minutes later, another friend comes to find me to tell me the
events of her class. So apparently my "boyfriend" (we will call him
Subway guy for now) was walking around near that class. The professor becomes a
little alarmed and warns the students that there is an "attractive, black,
tall” college student outside the room. Somebody asks "Is he wearing a tank
top?" and the facilitator replies "Yes". That same person says
"Oh, I know him. That's Camille's friend". Someone else chimes in “Oh
I know that guy! He works at Subway.” And the professor blurts out “Oh, that’s Subway guy? Camille wrote the
cutest poem called Ode to Subway Guy for Literary Fair.” When I found out, I
was a little embarrassed because I like to keep somethings to myself, but at
that point, ζδΉε (what to do)?
So I see the friend whom sent me the “Your boyfriend is looking for you” text after school; he and his friend are conversing about crop tops. I happen to be wearing a crop top and my friend turns to me and says “…some girls wear crop tops to allure Subway guy. He’s probably distracted and doesn’t even see your face…” I can’t even relay all that he said because I was so shocked that all of this came out of the mouth of a seemingly shy person whom I used to have a crush on. I just kind of laughed and stared at him until he finished his rant on the sins he thinks I have committed with my nonexistent “boyfriend”. After that interesting encounter, I’m riding the bus home and I see a group of kids bunched up with mischievous faces. They wait for the bus to drive past and they start throwing rocks at the bus. Literally, they went in the pot holes in the road and started pelting the bus with white rocks. One hit my window and as soon as the bus driver stopped the bus, those heathens took off running. Dog attacks, rock pelting, and a hint of embarrassment. That was my day… how was yours?
P.S. I became really happy when I finally got home and checked my blog because Camy’s Corner has been seen in 40 countries!!!! That’s amazing <3 And as always, feel free to read, share, and comment on my posts. Thank you for all the support and international love <3333

So I see the friend whom sent me the “Your boyfriend is looking for you” text after school; he and his friend are conversing about crop tops. I happen to be wearing a crop top and my friend turns to me and says “…some girls wear crop tops to allure Subway guy. He’s probably distracted and doesn’t even see your face…” I can’t even relay all that he said because I was so shocked that all of this came out of the mouth of a seemingly shy person whom I used to have a crush on. I just kind of laughed and stared at him until he finished his rant on the sins he thinks I have committed with my nonexistent “boyfriend”. After that interesting encounter, I’m riding the bus home and I see a group of kids bunched up with mischievous faces. They wait for the bus to drive past and they start throwing rocks at the bus. Literally, they went in the pot holes in the road and started pelting the bus with white rocks. One hit my window and as soon as the bus driver stopped the bus, those heathens took off running. Dog attacks, rock pelting, and a hint of embarrassment. That was my day… how was yours?
P.S. I became really happy when I finally got home and checked my blog because Camy’s Corner has been seen in 40 countries!!!! That’s amazing <3 And as always, feel free to read, share, and comment on my posts. Thank you for all the support and international love <3333
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
How I Missed the SATs
Hi everyone!
So the title of this post is a little alarming because I was originally going to post about the SATs and ACT and other college entrance exams that stress me out. HOEVEVER, I missed the SAT today so I'll tell you the story instead.
Okay so testing wasn't supposed to start until 9:30 am.
7:30 am: I am awake. I have showered and done some pre-testing exercises to wake up my brain.
By 8:00, I have taken my shower and I'm ready for breakfast. I know absolutely nothing can stop me at this point. By 8:40, I've grabbed my mom and we are on out way to testing. Mind you, the testing center is only 20 minutes from my residence so I should be there really early, but other circumstances must be anticipated. We jump on the Turnpike and get about 0.5 a mile from the exit we hit traffic . Not just a little traffic either, but lines and lines of traffic because they have closed off all of the major lanes. It's 9:00 and we're still sitting in traffic, but I'm calm because I know getting frustrated won't do anything but stress me out and make me upset.
9:10 am: We are sitting in the exact same spot. We move an inch and continue to sit some more. By 9:15, I can see 5 trucks sitting on the overpass and other skittish drivers swerving to attempt to get off the overpass or trying to pass others. At this point, I realize the SAT is not worth risking personal safety so we take a different route. Guess what? This route only has one road open and it has this never-ending line of busses and trucks and personal automobiles.
9:23 am: I alert the testing center of the severity of the traffic and the fact that most of the exits are blocked off. The receptionist says "We are aware, but the test is going to start when it starts."
9:32 am: I am near the campus and I am prepare to run across campus
{Runs across campus}
Hard and Fast
*huffing and puffing*
9:38 am: I hear the protocor read "Good morning students"
I know I have just missed it, but I go up to the door and attempt to get in anyway. The guy at the door looked so sad for me. I accept the loss and keep it moving. I start walking towards the library to sign up for the next one. On the way there, I see a childhood classmate and he got stuck too. So did he rest of the student drivers. So we walk to the library and sign up for the next SAT together. It was actually quite pleasant spending the morning with him and just making jokes about how if they had waited for a couple minutes we would have waited. We went to the receptionist to vent and stood there for an hour laughing and plotting our theoretical revenge. I don't know, I feel like I should feel sad about missing it, but I don't. I actually had a very nice morning and I will continue to have a good day. Just keeping everything in perspective, this is literally the least of my problems. There will be more and I will do well on them. I just wasn't supposed to take this one.
So the title of this post is a little alarming because I was originally going to post about the SATs and ACT and other college entrance exams that stress me out. HOEVEVER, I missed the SAT today so I'll tell you the story instead.
Okay so testing wasn't supposed to start until 9:30 am.
7:30 am: I am awake. I have showered and done some pre-testing exercises to wake up my brain.
By 8:00, I have taken my shower and I'm ready for breakfast. I know absolutely nothing can stop me at this point. By 8:40, I've grabbed my mom and we are on out way to testing. Mind you, the testing center is only 20 minutes from my residence so I should be there really early, but other circumstances must be anticipated. We jump on the Turnpike and get about 0.5 a mile from the exit we hit traffic . Not just a little traffic either, but lines and lines of traffic because they have closed off all of the major lanes. It's 9:00 and we're still sitting in traffic, but I'm calm because I know getting frustrated won't do anything but stress me out and make me upset.
Literally. |
9:23 am: I alert the testing center of the severity of the traffic and the fact that most of the exits are blocked off. The receptionist says "We are aware, but the test is going to start when it starts."
9:32 am: I am near the campus and I am prepare to run across campus
{Runs across campus}
Hard and Fast
*huffing and puffing*
9:38 am: I hear the protocor read "Good morning students"
I know I have just missed it, but I go up to the door and attempt to get in anyway. The guy at the door looked so sad for me. I accept the loss and keep it moving. I start walking towards the library to sign up for the next one. On the way there, I see a childhood classmate and he got stuck too. So did he rest of the student drivers. So we walk to the library and sign up for the next SAT together. It was actually quite pleasant spending the morning with him and just making jokes about how if they had waited for a couple minutes we would have waited. We went to the receptionist to vent and stood there for an hour laughing and plotting our theoretical revenge. I don't know, I feel like I should feel sad about missing it, but I don't. I actually had a very nice morning and I will continue to have a good day. Just keeping everything in perspective, this is literally the least of my problems. There will be more and I will do well on them. I just wasn't supposed to take this one.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
5 Minute Half Mile
Since school started back in August, I decided to start running to the bus stop. The distance is half a mile (0.8 kilometers) and takes about 10-13 minutes walking. When I first started running, it took about 7-8 minutes which is a little faster than if I were calmly walking. Today I ran my half mile run 5 minutes. That's 0.1 miles per minute. It was crazy and tiring, but I am very proud of the achievement.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Model UN: Charlotte Edition
Team Australia-General Assembly Plenary |
Charlotte Model UN team |
I sit in windows to de-stress. |
P.S. Camy's Corner has had its first viewer from China! In the spirit of Model UN, its really nice to have a new country viewing my blog. Adding China to my list of visiting countries, Camy's Corner has been seen in 38 countries (and counting). I love the globalization and international love <3
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