I have never been a skinny person nor have I ever qualified for one that is anything below overweight. This past summer, I lost over 40 pounds and I continue to lose more every week. The first step in the weight loss process was not exercise or eating less. The first step was actually accepting myself for all that makes up my awesomeness. Because I loved myself so much, I began to do things that made me happy like traveling and hanging out with my friends. The weight began to slowly fall off at this point. Then, I actually put more effort in increasing my exercise and eating meals that I actually want. This was also very encouraging for weight loss. Conveniently, I started university which is much larger than my previous institution;the walk I had to take to get to my institution increased as well. Thus, smoothly transitioning me into this required daily three mile walk. At this point, I had already lost about 30 pounds, but after about three weeks of this new exercise regimen, I lost an additional 10 pounds. Notice how I never really had to alter my the amount of calories I consumed because the increase in my daily activity outnumbered the amount of calories I ate.
- Get Busy
- The mind won't have time to think about food when you have so many other projects to complete.
- Avoid "100 Calorie Snacks"
- People tend to eat multiple of these snacks assuming that they are only eating 100 calories. It's easier if the person were to just eat what he or she wants, as to quickly nullify the urge to eat food.
- Listen to Your Body
- The body sends signals to the mind to tell it to stop eating. If one eats to fast or ignores these signals, he or she is over eating and essentially abusing his or her body.
- Don't Set Goal Weights, Just Set Goals
- I set a goal to be happy and pursuing that goal made the weight loss soooo much easier. Setting a weight goal can cause unnecessary anxiety on the body and make it harder to lose weight.